Saturday, March 24, 2012

The Ultimate Nature of the Time- Entropy

Theory of Relativity, Strings law, Newton's law, TOE (Theory of Everything), Quantum theory, etc are the sacrifice done by different genius mind. These theories are now researched more to create logical facts towards the mysterious universe. Scientists are busy in finding the facts how universe was born and how universe is expanding.

BUT they must accept that the more time runs the more evidence goes on COLLASPING!!

The most important law of science is that things wear out. Living things grow old and die, cars rust and buildings fall down if they are not maintained. We can also say that the amount of disorder in the universe increases. Scientists measure disorder as a quantity called Entropy and entropy always increases. This is also the second law of thermodynamics. It states that disorder increases as the time passes. So thus entropy may cause difficulty in the research of fact and evidence of universe. An increase in entropy means useful energy is being used and turned into a useful form. The evidence of past gives us the information about past, and present and future too. So, entropy has obstacled in finding universe’s fact.

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